PhD, Simon Fraser University
MA, Simon Fraser University
Diploma in Fine Arts, Emily Carr University
Art exhibitions, performances, etc
Burnt Branch Soundscape, sound sculpture, “Wildfire” exhibition, curated by Lara Felsing and David McGregor, Red Brick Art Centre, Alberta
Rockstar_reduced, Small Media Festival, Pacific Cinematheque, Vancouver
Rehearsal for a Forest, sound art performance (by Branching Songs Ensemble), 8East, Vancouver, Oct 26
Salmon People, Arten Festival, Hof Narr, Switzerland
Recital With a Forest, (Branching Songs Ensemble), July 20, Stanley Park Ecology Society, Vancouver, Canada
Tales from the Bird Park, and Crow Stone Tone Poem, group exhibition “Near Dwellers as Creative Collaborators”, Street Road Artist Space, curated by Daphne Plessner
Tree Earth Sky, VR (part of the Wild Empathy collaboration), Gender Equity in Film Festival, Vancouver
Branching Songs soundscapes, La Semaine du son Canada, Montréal, diffusion d’ambiances sonores avec Simone D’Ambrosio et Charles Montambault
Bird Park Sessions, album produced by Sawyer Spaces
ephemeral stream, collaboration with Lara Felsing, commission by The Only Animal for Thousand Year Theatre
Branching Songs, exhibition, Sunshine Coast Arts Council and Vancouver New Music, Sechelt, Sunshine Coast, June 23-Aug 13, 2023
Recital With a Forest, interventionist sound art performance (by Branching Songs Ensemble, part of Branching Songs), Sunshine Coast Arts Council and Vancouver New Music, Tuwanek Springs Forest, Sunshine Coast, May 20, 2023
Rehearsal for a Forest, sound art performance (by Branching Songs Ensemble, part of Branching Songs), New Media Gallery, New Westminster, April 29, 2023
Tree Earth Sky, VR (part of the Wild Empathy collaboration), New Adventures in Sound Art, South River, Ont.
EPIC_Tom++, collaboration with Simon Overstall and Vancouver New Music, Integrated Motion Studio, Emily Carr University
EE—electro-emergence, with Vancouver New Music, Integrated Motion Studio, Emily Carr University
Sound of Tree Rings, (part of the Wild Empathy collaboration with Simon Lysander Overstall), Science World BC, Vancouver
Bird Park Sessions, BC Studies Soundworks, (with essay “The Bird Park Sessions” in BC Studies No. 208: Winter 2020/21.)
Crow Stone Tone Poem, score performed by Giorgio Magnanensi, Vancouver New Music, “Polydimensional scores“, 2020.
Tree Earth Sky, VR (part of the Wild Empathy collaboration) exhibition “Our Ancient Forests“, Sunshine Coast Arts Council gallery, curated by Sadira Rodrigues.
“Who Are You Hearing Me?” featured in the Becoming Plant podcast by Camilla Nelson on Soundart Radio UK.
“Bird Park Survival Station”, online group exhibition Co-Vid-EO curated by Laura Lee Coles.
“My mission…” self-representation, NewMediaFest 2020 wow retro, curated by Agricola de Cologne.
“Tree Earth Sky“, VR (part of the Wild Empathy collaboration), Science World BC, Vancouver
“they speak in whispers“, mixed media immersive art (part of the Wild Empathy collaboration), Science World BC, Vancouver
“Ancient Tree”, video installation (part of the Wild Empathy collaboration), Science World BC, Vancouver
“EPIC_Tom”, (performance), Interactive Art, Science and Technology, in association with “Living Things Festival“, Mary Irwin Theatre, Kelowna, BC
“*glisten) HIVE”, Digital Animalities, curated by Matthew Brower and Giovanni Aloi. CONTACT Gallery and John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto
“Salmon People”, Endangered Species: Artists on the Front Line of Biodiversity. Curated by Barbara Matilsky. Whatcom Museum, Bellingham, WA, USA
“Y-T-B-T” June 27, The Thirteenth International Conference on the Arts in Society, RBC Media Gallery, Emily Carr University.
“Bog”, Tiny Disasters (Jan 26 performance), Time, Light + Sound Series, Emily Carr University.
“EPIC_Tom”, (performance), “Time, Light + Sound Series”, Emily Carr University, Vancouver with musicians—DB Boyko and the VOICE OVER mind Choir.
“Biophilia”, (performance),“Time, Light + Sound Series”, Emily Carr University, Vancouver with musicians—DB Boyko and the VOICE OVER mind Choir.
“Biophilia” The Western Front, curated by DB Boyko, for the International Society of Contemporary Music, World New Music Days, Vancouver.
“EPIC_Tom”, (performance): with musicians Andrea Terpenkas and Jim Bennett, “Shadbolt Seminar 2017: Arts, Criticism & the City”, Simon Fraser University
“Animals Reading Group”, (monthly relational events), in collaboration with the Vegan Congress, Simon Fraser University.
“EPIC_Tom”, (performance) with musicians Erkki Joutseno (drums) and Grisell Mcdonal (standing bass), Pixelache Festival: Interafaces for Empathy, Helsinki.
“EPIC_Tom”, (exhibition) curated by Brenda Cleniuk. A new commission by Neutral Ground Contemporary Art Forum, Regina.
“EPIC_Tom” (performance) with members of the Regina Symphony Orchestra—Simon MacDonald violin, Simon Fryer cello, Marie-Noelle Berthelet flute—curated by Brenda Cleniuk, Neutral Ground Contemporary Art Forum, Regina. May 21.
“Animals Reading Group”, (monthly relational events), Vegan Congress, Simon Fraser University.
“Salmon People”, (solo exhibition), Surrey UrbanScreen, Surrey, Canada.
“Salmon People”, (solo exhibition), Videographe, Montreal. Curated by Brenda Cleniuk, Neutral Ground Gallery, Regina, Canada
“How Vegan Are You?”, (exhibition) in collaboration with Vegan Congress. Mar 17-21, Abe Rogatnick Media Gallery, Emily Carr University.
“Compassion Manifesto”, (relational event) in collaboration with Vegan Congress, Mar 19, Abe Rogatnick Media Gallery, Emily Carr University.
“Compassion Fashion”, (relational event) in collaboration with Vegan Congress Mar 18, Abe Rogatnick Media Gallery, Emily Carr University.
“How Vegan Are You? Photo Booth”, (relational event), in collaboration with Vegan Congress, Mar 17, Abe Rogatnick Media Gallery, Emily Carr University.
“Vegan Tea Party”, (relational event) in collaboration with Vegan Congress, with live coding by Jesse Scott, Mar 16, Abe Rogatnick Media Gallery, Emily Carr University.
“Canine Haiku 1: Yellow Ball”, (performance). Flow and Fracture from North America to Europe and Beyond: Reflections, Refractions and Diffractions within the Ecopoetic Avant-Garde, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
“Wild Co-Existence”, (information panel) in collaboration with Vegan Congress, with Sara Dubois/BC SPCA, Dave Shishkoff/TheVictoriaVegan, Dan Straker/Stanley Park Ecology Society, Marcy Potter/ The Association for the Protection of Fur-bearing Animals. Oct. 15, Intersections Digital Studios, Emily Carr University.
*glisten) HIVE,” (group exhibition) Urban Beeing, Školská 28, Prague, Czech Republic.
“EPIC_Tom” (performance) with the Vancouver Experimental Theremin Orchestra, curated by Wynne Palmer, Aberthau Mansion, Vancouver
“EPIC_Tom” (performance), Interactive Futures ’14: More-Than-Human Worlds, Vancouver
“Scratch Theremin” (performance), with Vancouver Experimental Theremin Orchestra, VIVO Open House, Vancouver
“Milk + Kindness“, (relational event) in collaboration with Vegan Congress, with Maria Lantin and Trudy Chalmers, April 2, Intersections Digital Studios, Emily Carr University
“Love + Chocolate“, (relational event) in collaboration with Vegan Congress, with Emma Smith/Zimt and Greg Hook/Chocolate Arts, Feb 26, Intersections Digital Studios, Emily Carr University
“Vegan Tasting with Preet Marwaha“, (relational event) in collaboration with Vegan Congress, Jan 22, Intersections Digital Studios, Emily Carr University
“Rockstar”, (screening) “our animal others”, Fabulous Festival of Fringe Film, Durham, Ontario
“Rockstar”, (group exhibition) Beyond Human: Artist Animal Collaborators, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem Mass.
“Scratch Theremin” (performance), with Vancouver Experimental Theremin Orchestra, 2000 Meilen Unter Dem Meer, VIVO, Vancouver
“Bikeride”, (group exhibition), Taking Time, Surrey Urban Screen, Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, Canada
“*glisten) HIVE”, (group exhibition), Information, Ecology, Wisdom, The 3rd Art and Science International Exhibition, Beijing
“Rockstar” (screening), performance, platform. body affects, Sophiensaele, Berlin
“Screen Tests” (group exhibition), Vanimaux, Remington/Gam Gallery, Vancouver
“Aria” (group exhibition), Facing the Animal, OR Gallery, Vancouver
“Scratch Theremin” (performance), with Vancouver Experimental Theremin Orchestra, Utopia Festival, W2, Vancouver
“Scratch Theremin” (performance), with Vancouver Experimental Theremin Orchestra, Interactive Futures ’11: Animal Influence, Vancouver
“Scratch Theremin” (performance), Random Elements – a Celebration of Iannnis Xenakis, Vancouver New Music, Vancouver
“Wait” (group exhibition), Tracing Home: Selections from SIGGRAPH 2011, Museum of Campbell River, BC
“Wait” (group exhibition), Tracing Home, SIGGRARAPH 2011 Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC
“Scratch Theremin” (performance), Signal & Noise Festival, VIVO, Vancouver, BC
“*glisten) HIVE” (group exhibition), User in Flux, CHI Workshop 2011, Vancouver, BC
Passages (solo exhibition), Art Gallery of Mississauga, Mississauga, ON (solo)
“Bikeride” (group exhibition), CUE: Artists’ Videos, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC, curated by Daina Augaitis and Christopher Eamon
“Screen Test-Sugi” (group exhibition), CUE: Artists’ Videos, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC, curated by Daina Augaitis and Christopher Eamon
“*glisten) HIVE” (group exhibition), Code Live 2, commissioned by Cultural Olympiad Digital Edition, Vancouver, BC
“Aria” (group exhibition), Animal House: Works of Art Made by Animals, Saw Gallery, Ottawa, ON
“Dustclouds” (group exhibition), Ground Zero Redux, Helen Pitt Gallery, Vancouver
“VJ Fleet [redux]” (performance), Digital Technology and Culture, Washington State University, Vancouver, WA
“FWDrift [remix]” (performance), ACM MM 2008 Conference, Telus Science World, Vancouver, BC
“AutoLounge”, (group exhibition), Intersections Digital Studio open house, Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vanvcouver, BC
“FWDrift [remix]” (performance and exhibition), Nuit Blanche, InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, Toronto, ON
“VJ Fleet [redux]” (performance), SIGGRAPH 2006, International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Boston, MA
“FWDrift [remix]” (performance), Digital Art Weeks, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
“FWDrift [remix]” (performance), Computational Poetics: A Logic Machines and Creative Process Gathering, Vancouver, BC
“FWDrift [remix]” (performance), Interactive Futures Conference, Victoria, BC
“FWDrift [remix]“ (performance and exhibition), Pace Digital Gallery, New York, curated by Will Pappenheimer
“FWDrift [remix]” (performance), Elektra Festival, Montreal, curated by Alain Thibault
“VJ Fleet [redux]” (exhibition), On the Move, Digifest 2004, Toronto, ON, curated by John Sobol & Paola Poletto
“Greenroom” (solo exhibition), Surrey Art Gallery Tech Lab, Surrey, BC and Abe Rogatinick Media Gallery, Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver, BC
“Stereoscope”, (solo exhibition), Articule, centre d’artistes contemporains, Montreal, QU
“VJ Fleet [redux]” (exhibition), 7th Japan Media Arts Festival, Tokyo, Japan
“VJ Fleet [redux]” (performance), Generations on the Move, Viper Basel Festival, Basel, Switzerland, curated by Rebecca Picht & Annika Blunck
“FWDrift [remix]” (performance), nonTVTVstation, Splintermind, Stockholm, Sweden, curated by Bjorn Norberg
Slowtime Quicktime as an artistic medium, Cinematheque at le Musee di-visioniste, curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
ORB//Remote: Global Scrambling, Wireless Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark, curated by Eva Ejuve & Pio Diaz
“VJ Fleet [redux]” (exhibition), MAD ’03NET, 2nd International Meeting of Experimental Arts in Madrid, Madrid, Spain, curated by Eva Moraga
“Dustclouds” (group exhibition), Dust, curated by Sigrid Dahle, Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina, Canada
“VJ Fleet [redux]” (performance), New Forms Festival, Vancouver, Canada, curated by Camille Baker Circuit Van, Contact Photo Festival, Toronto, ON
“Circuit Van”, with Christopher Kowal, SWARM, Vancouver, BC
“Dustclouds”, (solo exhibition), Gallery 44 (Project Room), Toronto
Julie Andreyev / Kelly Richardson (two person show), Robert Birch Gallery, Toronto, ON
“Stereoscope”, Optica (two person show with Thomas Kneubuhler), Gallery 44, Toronto
Moving Pictures, The Drabinsky Gallery, Toronto
“TV Disasters”, (solo exhibition), Mercer Union Gallery (Platform Space), Toronto
“TV Disasters”, (group exhibition), Signal & Noise Festival of Contemporary Media, Video In, Vancouver, BC
“Stereoscope”, (solo exhibition), Artspeak Gallery, Vancouver, BC
“Noose“, New Artists / New Works: Transformations, curated by Kathryn Burns, Calgary Art Gallery, Calgary, Canada
“anamorpheus”, (solo), window installation, Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond, Canada
“Thrillin Chillin Killin Chick Flick Pics”, LIC Productions Bus Shelter Installation, 800 Block Granville St., Vancouver, BC
Awards and Grants
Award: for “Rockstar_reduced”, Small Media Festival Award: Most Extrasentient Perception
Principle Investigator: “Listening in Relation”, in partnership with Canadian Association for Sound Ecology and The Only Animal. RIO-ECU NSERC Mobilize
Co-investigator: “Branching Songs”, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Individual Connection Grant
Mentor: Apprenticeship award for research on Branching Songs Art Apprenticeship Network, Shumka Centre for Creative Entrepreneurship
Co-investigator: “Branching Songs and Resonances.” President’s Research Fund. Emily Carr University.
Co-investigator: “Branching Songs.” Decolonization and Indigenization Fund. Emily Carr University.
Mentor: Apprenticeship award for research on the Bird Park Survival Station. Art Apprenticeship Network, Shumka Centre for Creative Entrepreneurship
Principle Investigator: “Making Art with Animals: What Interspecies Creativity Reveals about Our Kinship with Nature”, Gillespie DDM Research Fund, Emily Carr University
Principle Investigator: “Wild Empathy”, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Individual Connection Grant
Principle investigator: “Wild Empathy”, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Institutional Exchange Grant, Emily Carr University
Principle investigator: “Wild Empathy”, Gillespie Design Research Grant, Emily Carr University
Principle investigator: “Wild Empathy”, Gillespie Design Research Grant, Emily Carr University
Principle investigator: “Bird Park”, Scholarship + Research Fund, Emily Carr University
Collaborator: “Reefs, Rituals, and Rockfish: Design for All Beings.” Gillespie Design Research Grant, Emily Carr University
Collaborator: “Interactive Art, Science, and Technology in Western Canada”, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Connection Grant.
Co-investigator: “More-Than-Human Ways of Knowing”, Internal Research Grant, Emily Carr University
Principle Investigator: “Symbiophony”, Internal Research Grant, Emily Carr University
Travel Grant, The Canada Council for the Arts
Travel Grant, Graduate Liberal Studies, Simon Fraser University
Travel Grant, Graduate Liberal Studies, Simon Fraser University
Principle Investigator, GRAND AD-NODE Project Fund (seed funding), Emily Carr University
Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Provost’s Prize of Distinction, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby
Special Graduate Entrance Award, Graduate Studies, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby
Travel Grant, The Canada Council for the Arts
Travel Grant, The Canada Council for the Arts
New Media and Audio Art Production Grant, The Canada Council for the Arts
Public Outreach: Summer Institute, Workshop and Conference Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Professional Project Assistance for Media Arts Organizations, British Columbia Arts Council
Travel Grant, The Canada Council for the Arts
Image, Text, Sound and Technology: Summer Institute, Workshop, Conference Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Travel Grant, The Canada Council for the Arts
Visual and Media Arts Grant, Arts Promotion Division, Foreign Affairs Canada
New Media and Audio Art Production Grant, Canada Council for the Arts
Visual and Media Arts Grant, Arts Promotion Division, Foreign Affairs Canada
Project Assistance For Media Artists, British Columbia Arts Council
Visual and Media Arts Grant, Arts Promotion Division, Foreign Affairs Canada
Project Assistance for Visual Artists, British Columbia Arts Council
Strategic Research Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Travel Grant, The Canada Council for the Arts
BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) Interactive Award (nominee)
MAD ’03NET Project Award, 2nd International Meeting of Experimental Arts in Madrid
Travel Grant, The Canada Council for the Arts
Creation/Production Grant, The Canada Council for the Arts
Project Assistance for Visual Artists, British Columbia Arts Council
Travel Grant, The Canada Council for the Arts
Graduate Fellowship, Graduate Liberal Studies, Simon Fraser University
Project Assistance for Visual Artists, British Columbia Arts Council
Graduate Fellowship, Graduate Liberal Studies, Simon Fraser University
(forthcoming book chapter) “Branching Songs: Recital With a Forest as Multispecies Relating”. Spiegelhofer, Eva and Elizabeth Tabella (Eds.) Animated Wor(l)ds. University of Chicago.
(video article) Andreyev, J. A. & Lantin, M. & Street, S. & Jacobsen, C. & Madsen, K. & Overstall, S. & Felsing, L. & Plisic, L., (2023) “Branching Songs”, Journal of Embodied Research 5(2): 4. doi:
(radio interview) “Making Waves: Julie Andreyev and Simon Lysander Overstall“ by Darren Copeland. WGXC 90.7-FM, Wave Farm, Acra, NY. Nov 13, 2022
(magazine interview) Bright, Richard and Julie Andreyev. “On a Multispecies Studio“. Other Minds edition. Interalia Magazine, Nov 17, 2022
Andreyev, Julie. “Bird Park Survival Station”. Gillieson, Katherine and Jon Hannan, editors. Occasional Papers: Creative Research at Emily Carr. Vancouver: Occasional Press, 2022.
(book) Andreyev, Julie. Lessons from a Multispecies Studio: Uncovering Ecological Understanding & Biophilia Through Creative Reciprocity. Bristol, UK: Intellect Books.
(journal interview) Berland, Jody. “Jody Berland interviews Julie Andreyev + Simon Lysander Overstall”. Exhibiting Digital Animalities. Toronto: PUBLIC, 2021
(journal essay) “The Bird Park Sessions” in BC Studies No. 208: Winter 2020/21. Part of DOI: 10.14288/bcs.vi208
(journal article) Andreyev, Julie. “Salmon People.” Public Art Dialogue Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2019, 141-163.
(journal article) Andreyev, Julie. “Responding to Dogs.” Humanimalia: a journal of human / animal interface studies, Vol. 8, number 22, Spring 2017, DePauw University (USA). Web. Available at:
(book chapter) Andreyev, Julie. “Compassion Manifesto: An Ethics for Art + Design and Animals.” Castricano, Jodey and Rasmus R. Simonsen (Eds.) New Critical Perspectives on Veganism. Palgrave MacMillan.
Available at:
(journal poem) Andreyev, Julie and (canine), Tom (2015) “Canine Haiku: Yellow Ball,” The Goose: Vol. 14 : Iss. 1 , Article 28.
Available at:
(catalogue essay) Andreyev, Julie. “Why Look at Animals in Landscapes?” The Reflexive Animal, SFU Gallery, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada.
(news paper article) Andreyev, Julie. “Endangered Whales and Dolphins Affected by Tankers”, The Common Sense Canadian, July 17,
(journal article) Easterson, Sam and Julie Andreyev. “People Respond to Images that Provide Hope.” Interactive Futures ’11: Animal Influence, Antennae, Issue 22,
(journal article) Andreyev, Julie. “Dog Voice: A Memoir”, Interactive Futures ’11: Animal Influence, Antennae, Issue 21,
(journal article) Andreyev, Julie and Simon Lysander Overstall. “Wait”, Leonardo, Special Issue Volume 44, Number 4, ACM SIGGRAPH, MIT Press, Leonardo/ISAST, Cambridge, MA, US
(catalogue article) Andreyev, Julie. “Animal Lover: Aria”, Art Catalogue/Computational Aesthetics 2009, Eurographics Association, Germany.
(book chapter) Andreyev, Julie. “Four Wheel Drift”, Mobile Nation: Creating Methodologies for Mobile Platforms, Martha Ladly and Philip Beesley (Eds), Riverside Architectural Press, Cambridge, Canada.
(book chapter) Andreyev, Julie and Petra Watson. “Four Wheel Drift”, Transdisciplinary Digital Art: Sound, Vision and the New Screen, Randy Adams, Steve Gibson, Stefan Muller-Arisona (Eds), Springer, Berlin.
(catalogue) Andreyev, Julie. “I Want More Life Fucker!” Welcome to the Desert of the Real, Concourse Gallery, Emily Carr Institute of Art, Design & Media, Vancouver.
(paper) Andreyev, Julie. “The Last Seduction: Theorizing the Cinematic Female Killer”, Foundational Narratives: Proceedings from the Foundational Narratives Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference, Stephen Collis and Sharon-Ruth Alker, eds., Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC
(paper) Andreyev, Julie. “The Blasphemous Image: Donna Haraway’s Cyborg Manifesto and Representations of the Cyborg in Popular Film”, The Journal of Graduate Liberal Studies, Volume III, Number 2, Spring, 1998, R. Barry Levis ed., NC State University, Raleigh, USA.
Talks, Paper Presentations, Workshops and Panels
workshop leader: Branching Songs workshop. Stanley Park Ecology Society, BC
artist talk: Canadian New Music Network, Vancouver, BC
workshop leader: Branching Songs workshop. Sunshine Coast Arts Council, Sechelt, BC
workshop leader: Branching Songs workshop. New Adventures in Sound Art. South River, Ontario
paper: “Crows and Stones” at the Art in the Anthropocene International conference in Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
paper: “Making Art With Animals”, Interactive Art, Science and Technology, University of British Columbia Okanagan, in association with the Living Things Festival, Kelowna Art Gallery, BC
paper: “More-than-Human Creativity”, Crossing Boundaries: IAST 2018, Oct 25-27, University of Lethbridge.
workshop leader: “acoustic-ecological-sociability” { e a r w i n g s } workshop. The Thirteenth International Conference on the Arts in Society, Emily Carr University.
artist talk: “Biophilia” The Western Front, curated by DB Boyko, for the International Society of Contemporary Music, World New Music Days, Vancouver.
panel: “Nonhuman Animals in Media Art”, moderated by Donna Szoke, University Art Association of Canada conference.
discussant: “Radical Aesthetics of Multispecies Worlding, Eco-Art, and the Possibilities for Solidarity Beyond-the-Human in the Capitalocene”, moderated by Margaretha Haughwout, –empyre- soft-skinned space,, Cornell University.
paper: “How do I respond to a crow? interspecies generative indeterminacy as biophilic aesthetics”, Graduate Liberal Studies Conference, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
panel: “Salmon People”, Surrey Urbanscreen, Surrey City Hall, Surrey, Canada.
paper: “Dependent Co-arising: Hyperbolic Ethics in Interspecies Ecopoetics”, Flow and Fracture from North America to Europe and Beyond: Reflections, Refractions and Diffractions within the Ecopoetic Avant-Garde, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
paper: “Applying Compassionate Interactions and Hyperbolic Ethics in Interspecies Collaborative Art”, Interactive Futures 2014: More-Than-Human Worlds, Compassionate Interactions and the Ethics of Aesthetics, Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver
demo: “Scratch Theremin” part of exhibition opening for “Beyond Human: Artist Animal Collaborations”, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA.
paper: “Animal Lover: Art Collaboration with Canines Tom and Sugi”, Human relations with other animals: from the home front to the wild side, Dalhousie University, Halifax
artist talk: “Taking Time” Surrey Urban Screen, Surrey, Canada
artist talk: “Animal Lover”, Utopia Festival, Vancouver
paper: “Animal Voice”, Interactive Futures ’11: Animal Influence
artist talk: SIGGRAPH Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC
panel: User Flux Workshop, CHI Conference, Vancouver, BC
panel: International Digital Media and Arts Association Conference, 2010, Vancouver, BC
artist talk: City Centered: A Festival of Locative Media and Urban Community, San Francisco, CA
artist talk: SAW Gallery, Ottawa, ON
artist talk: Northbank Artists Gallery, Vancouver, USA
artist talk: Banff New Media Institute, The Banff Centre, 2008, Banff, Canada
artist talk: Ontario College of Art & Design, Toronto, ON
artist talk: New Forms Festival, Vancouver, BC
artist talk: Mobile Nation: Creating Methodologies for Mobile Platforms, Ontario College of Art & Design, Toronto, ON
artist talk: ISEA, San Jose, USA
artist talk: SIGGRAPH, Boston
panel: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, York University, Toronto, ON
artist talk: Performing Places, Helsinki
artist talk: Advanced Network Conference, Vancouver, BC
artist talk: Visual Arts Department, University of Victoria, BC
panel: Banff New Media Institute, The Banff Centre, Canada
panel: Mobile Digital Commons Network (MDCN) Symposium
artist talk: BC.NET, Advanced Network Conference
artist talk: Vancouver Interactive Futures Conference, Victoria, BC
Independent Film & Video Festival, Victoria, BC
artist talk: Viper Basel Festival, Basel, Switzerland
artist talk: Fine Arts Department, Okanagan University College, Kelowna, BC
artist talk: Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, BC
artist talk: Mobility Studio, Interactive Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
artist talk: Department of Media and Communications Studies, Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden
artist talk: Articule, centre d’artistes contemporains, Montreal, QC
artist talk: Interactive Futures Conference, Victoria, BC
artist talk: Independent Film & Video Festival, Victoria Upgrade, curated by Kate Armstrong, Western Front, Vancouver, BC
artist talk: Pre/Amble: A 2 Day Festival of Art and Psychogeography, curated by Kate Armstrong, Western Front, Vancouver, BC
artist talk: New Forms Festival, Vancouver, BC
artist talk: School for the Contemporary Arts, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC
artist talk: Mercer Union Gallery, Toronto, ON
artist talk: Vancouver Film School, Vancouver, BC
artist talk: Muttart Public Art Gallery, Calgary, AB
Conference for Masters of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences, San Diego State University, San Diego, USA
Bibliography (selected)
Felsing, Lara and David McGregor. WILDFIRE: An Exhibition Exploring Patterns, Devastation & Uncertainty in the Time of Fire. Red Brick Art Centre, Alberta
Plessner, Daphne. Ruth K. Burke, Julie Andreyev: Near Dwellers as Creative Collaborators. Street Road Gallery
Edwards, Rhys, Alison Rajah (Eds.). art after dark: 10 years of UrbanScreen. Surrey: Surrey Art Gallery, 2019.
Leong, Penny. “Other Beings, Julie Andreyev.” Espace 121 Animal Point of View, hiver/winter 2019, Montreal.
Barbara Matilsky. “Endangered Species: Artists on the Front Line of Biodiversity.” Whatcom Museum, Bellingham, WA.
Sun, p., Carlson, K., Bizzocchi, J., Schiphorst, T. (2017) Urban Mesh: Exploring Data, Biological Processes and Immersion in the Salmon People. ISEA2017, Columbia.
Carol Gigliotti, “Salmon People”, Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, Canada
Tarah Hogue, “Facing the Animal”, OR Gallery, Vancouver
Rikke Hansen, “More-Than-Human Subjects: The Work of Julie Andreyev”, Art Gallery of Mississauga, Mississauga, ON, 2010
Burke Taylor, “CODE Live Open to All”, Cultural Olympiad Digital Edition, Vancouver, BC, 2010
Daina Augaitis and Christopher Eamon, “CUE: Artists’ Videos”, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, 2010
Stefan St-Laurent, “Animal House: Works of Art Made by Animals”, SAW Gallery, Ottawa, 2009
Jeremy Todd “Ground Zero Redux”, Helen Pitt Gallery artist-run centre, Vancouver, 2008
Art Gallery, SIGGRAPH, Boston, 2006
“Generations on the Move”, VIPER Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 2004
Graham Hall, “2003-2004”, Articule, Montreal, 2004
Petra Watson, “Perceptions of Landscape and the Mobile Observer”, Surrey Art Gallery and Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver, BC, 2004
“2003 (7th) Japan Media Arts Festival Award Winning Works”, Japan Media Arts Festival Secretarist Office, Tokyo, 2004
Carol Sills and James KM, “Electric Living in Canada: Interviews with Artists & Media Theorists”, Electric Living Productions, Ltd., DVD, Vancouver, 2003
Brian Massumi, “Making Art of Databases”, editorial team: Joke Brouwer, Arjen Mulder, Susan Charlton, Published by: V2_ and NAI Publishers, Rotterdam, 2003
Jeremy Todd, “Optica: Julie Andreyev, Thomas Kneubuhler”, Gallery 44, Toronto, 2002
Trevor Mahovsky, “Attention Machines: A Context for Julie Andreyev’s Stereoscope”, Artspeak Gallery, Vancouver, 2001
Greg Snider, “TV Disasters”, Mercer Union Gallery, Toronto, 2001
Kathryn Burns, “New Artists / New Works: Transformations”, Muttart Public Art Gallery, Calgary, AB, 1999
Reviews & Interviews
podcast interview: “e174 julie andreyev – more-than-human creativity“, conscience podcast, by Claude Schryer, May 30, 2024
Gurney, Michael. “Deep rooted artworks go from grove to gallery” June 30. CoastReporter.
Grauer, Perrin. “New Julie Andreyev Book Takes Aim at Colonial Worldviews Through ‘Multispecies’ Art Practice”. News. Emily Carr University.
Dale, Anne. What the F*** is Biodiversity, podcast by Dr. Anne Dale, National Environmental Treasure
Woodend, Dorothy. “The Art of Empathy: Many of us feel the destruction of the natural world acutely. ‘Branching Songs’ captures that, aiming to restore beauty and galvanize.” The Tyee.
Smith, Janet. “Beyond notation: Emily Carr Univeristy students’ creations inspire a world of sound.” Stir: Arts + Culture. December 7, 2020
Parsons, Matthew. North by Northwest, CBC radio. Dec 29.
interview: Matthew Parsons, North by Northwest, CBC radio. Dec 29.
Interview: Jeremy Shepherd, “Virtual tree to nurture real empathy.” North Shore News, Oct 3.
Interview: Alexander Varty, “Julie Andreyev and Simon Lysander Overstall’s Biophilia.” Musicworks Magazine, Visions of Sound. Nov 9.’s-biophilia
Interview: Gerry Kowalenko, “Arts Rationale program” Co-op Radio 105.7 (aired Nov 2)
interview: Alison McDonald, “FASS News” Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Simon Fraser University.
interview: Bec Wonders, “”From Art to Science: Finding a Place for Animals in University Education.” Animal Voices. Vancouver Co-op Radio 100.5FM or Aug 5, 2016.
review: Britt Bachmann, “EPIC-Tom: Exploring Interspecies Art”, VANDOCUMENT,, July 25.
interview: Stephen Hui, “Vegan Congress takes form at Emily Carr University of Art + Design”, Georgia Straight, January 16,
review: Zoe Peled, “Facing the Animal”, Whitehot Magazine, July 2012,
review: Robin Laurence “Art explores its animal side at two local galleries” Georgia Straight, June 13, Vancouver
Interview: Zoe Peled & Maegan Thomas, “Arts Report”, CITR radio, June 6, Vancouver
Interview: Glenn Zucman, K beach Global Radio, Rosemead, CA, USA
Discorder, Vancouver, June 20,
First Local News, Rogers TV 10, Mississauga/Brampton, Sept 20
Daytime on Rogers TV, Sept 29
Julia Le, “Artist makes a passage into city”, Mississauga News,’s%20on/article/875174–artist-makes-a-passage-into-city, Sept 17
Rachel Lafo, “At the Crossroads: Cultural and International Art in Vancouver”, PublicArtReview, Issue 42, Spring/summer 2010, Forecast Public Art, Saint Paul, MN
Heidi May “Julie Andreyev: I Tweet, Therefore I Am” Canadian Art online
Naresh Kumar, “Glisten Hive: Mapping the LIves of Animals Through Twitter”, PFSK, March 25,
“Mobile Public Art: Portable & Participatory”, PublicArtReview, Issue 41, Fall/winter 2009, Forecast Public Art, Saint Paul, MN
Jon Davies, “Animal House, Saw Gallery, Ottawa” CanadianArt Review, fall/winter 2009
“Animal Art explored in Ottawa exhibit”, Arts & Entertainment,, August 17,
Paul Gessell, “Art of the Animals: SAW Gallery’s new show is either inspired fun or beastly exploitation”, The Ottawa Citzen, Aug 1, Ottawa, ON
interview: Eric Longley, CTV Ottawa, July 31, Ottawa, ON
Mike Landry, “Animal House: Works of Art Made by Animals” Things of Desire Blogzine,, Volume 2 Number 6: July 30-Aug 5, Toronto, ON
Daniel Mathieu,“L’exposition Animal House”, Le monde selon Mathieu, Radio-Canada Ottawa-Gatineau, July 30, Ottawa, ON
Genevieve Turcot, “Des artistes qui ont du chien”, Journal LeDroit, July 28, Ottawa, ON
Adam Volk, “Beauty and the Beasts; Exhibition offers rare glimpse into little known world of animal artists”, Ottawa Xpress, Vol no. 16:28, July 23-Aug 5, Ottawa, ON
Karl Losken, “Animal Voices”, Coop Radio, November 7,, Vancouver, BC
Michael Hatch, “Video jocks bring it on”, The VanCougar, Washington State University, Vancouver, WA;
Dene Grigar, “Interactive Futures,” Leonardo on-line, March 1,
Penny Leong Browne, “Calling all Co-conspirators – Julie Andreyev’s Greenroom”, Fuse Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 4, Toronto, ON
interview: Radio X, Basel, Switzerland, November 19
Angus Leech and Sylvie Parent, “The Stage is Everywhere; A multimedia musing about distributed online performance”, HorizonZero, Issue 13: Perform, Banff New Media Institute, Banff, Canada
Alessandro Ludovico, “ Hacktivism, E-Music, New Media Art”, Italy,
“Studiovoice Multi-media Mix Magazine”, Japan, November, vol. 335 Fiona Forbes & Michael Eckford, “Breakfast Television,” CityTV, Vancouver, August 1
Thomas Hirschmann, “Generation Next”, Now Magazine, Toronto, November 21 Peter Goddard, “Tinseltown in Oils: Moving Pictures Show Alters Movie Reality”, The Toronto Star, July 25
Peter Goddard, “Art Meets Reality”, The Toronto Star, September Joan Richardson, “Thrilln, Chillin, Killin, Chick Flick Pics”. Artichoke, Calgary, Spring
Tia Abell, “Chick Flicks Inspire Artist”, The WestEnder, Vancouver, October 22
2001 – present
Associate Professor, Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver
1998 – 2001
Visiting Faculty, Department of Fine Arts, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
1999 – 2001
Visiting Faculty, School of Continuing and Networked Education, Emily Carr Institute of Art Design & Media
1999 – 2001
Visiting Faculty, Continuing Studies Division Langara College, Vancouver
1996 – 1999
Visiting Faculty, School for the Contemporary Arts, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada
Curatorial & Community Development
Board member, Canadian Association of Sound Ecology (CASE)
Editorial Board, BC Studies: The British Columbia Quarterly. University of British Columbia
Assessor, Insight Grants, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Reviewer, Humanimalia: A Journal of Human/Animal Interface Studies.DePauw University, USA, 2017. Web.
Artistic Director, (symposium and exhibition) Interactive Futures 2014: More-Than-Human Worlds, Compassionate Interactions and the Ethics of Aesthetics, Vancouver,
Founding member: Vegan Congress.
Artistic Director, (symposium and exhibition) Interactive Futures 2011: Animal Influence, Vancouver
2010 – 13
Advisory Board member, Surrey Urban Screens, Surrey Art Gallery
Artistic Director, (symposium and exhibition) Interactive Futures 2009: Stereo, Vancouver,
Feasibility Study for the Vancouver International Exhibition of Digital Art, Great Norther Way Campus, Vancouver, BC
Jury: Mobile Music Workshop, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria
Jury: BC Arts Council, Visual Arts Grants
2005 – 2007
Co-curator (with Steve Gibson and Randy Adams): Interactive Futures Conference, Victoria, Canada
Jury: BC Arts Council, Media Arts Grants
2002 – 2003
Steering Committee: Centre for Art and Technology, Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design, Vancouver, BC
1995 – 1997
Steering Committee (Student Representative): Graduate Liberal Studies Program, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver
Professional Development
“Resistance and Resurgence: Confronting Anti-Black Racism in Canada,” webinar organized by Feminists Deliver, Vancouver.
“Intro to Synthesizers for Women & Non-Binary Folks,” workshop led by Victoria Gibson, VIVO Media Arts, Vancouver.
“Branching Out in Somerset: Making Art with Trees”, workshop led by artists Camilla Nelson and Alex Metcalf, Somerset, UK.
“Linking Awareness” interspecies communication workshop, directed by Loesje Jacob, Armstrong, BC.
Processing workshop, VIVO Media Arts Centre, Vancouver, Canada
Feature Story Writing, Writing + Publishing Program, Continuing Studies, Simon Fraser University
SLAB, Theremin workshop, VIVO Media Arts Centre, Vancouver, BC
Digital Technology & Culture Artists in Residence, Washington State University, Vancouver, WA
Co-Production Residency: “Animal Lover”, Banff New Media Institute, The Banff Centre, Canada
Mobile Music Workshop, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
Co-Production: “FWDrift [glisten]”, Banff New Media Institute, The Banff Centre, Canada
MediaAiR Residency, Splintermind, Stockholm. Supported by the Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland
Participating Artist, HUMO Master Class with Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Linz, Austria. Supported by the EU funded project “Interfacing Realities” sponsored by V2,ZKM, C3, Kultur 2000, Arts Electronica
Artist in Residence, New Media Innovation Centre, Vancouver