Bird Park Survival Station,
multi-species climate emergency project, 2015-ongoing
—The video above is a 30min project called Tales from the Bird Park (2023) made up of video clips recorded in the Bird Park Survival Station.
Bird Park Survival Station, is a project with local birds, including the crow family whose territory includes my home. The Park, built on the roof of my home in the east side of Vancouver, provides affordances to local and migratory birds—fresh water, small amounts of food, caching and perching features—to assist them survive the climate emergency.
A camera and sound system records the birds’ activities as they use the Park, and the data are analyzed for information about their needs. The team responds to the birds’ feedback by improving and developing the Park‘s affordances. The material is also used in art exhibitions and sound art performances.
Park features include:
Julie Andreyev, field recordist and park ranger
Simon Overstall, computation and sound consultation
Richard Brittain, research assistant
Cara Jacobsen, research assistant
Mana Saei, research assistant
Astrid Dakowicz, research assistant
Morgan Gilbert, research assistant
supported by:
2021, Art Apprenticeship Network, Shumka Centre for Creative Entrepreneurship
2018 Internal Research Grant, Emily Carr University of Art + Design, see ECU news
2024, group exhibition “Near Dwellers as Creative Collaborators”, Street Road Artist Space, curated by Daphne Plessner and Emily Artinian.
2020, online group exhibition “Co-Vid-EO”, hosted by IMPON, curated by Laura Lee Coles.
2018, videos from the Bird Park were featured as an off-site Emily Carr University event associated with the Vancouver International Bird Festival, Vancouver.
associated publications:
Plessner, Daphne. “Ruth K. Burke, Julie Andreyev: Near Dwellers as Creative Collaborators”. The Tree Museum & Street Road, 2024.
Andreyev, Julie. “Bird Park Survival Station”. Gillieson, Katherine and Jon Hannan, editors. Occasional Papers: Creative Research at Emily Carr. Vancouver: Occasional Press, 2022.
Andreyev, Julie. Lessons from a Multispecies Art Studio: Uncovering Ecological Understanding & Biophilia Through Creative Reciprocity. Intellect Books, 2021.
Berland, Jody. Digital Animalities. Toronto: PUBLIC, 2021.
Leong, Penny. “Other Beings, Julie Andreyev.” Espace 121 Animal Point of View, hiver/winter 2019, Montreal.

Crows in the Bird Park

gift from the crows

beach glass gift from the crows

branch left as a gift from the crows

moss gift from the crows