FWDrift [remix]

FWDrift [remix], audio-video performance, 2005-2010
Julie Andreyev and Simon Overstall

FWDrift [remix] is a multi-media performance using audio and video recordings generated by a custom-equipped, data-gathering car driven through the city. In preparation for the performance, video and sound of the city, and sound within the private/social space of the car – the engine sounds, conversations, the choice of music played on the car’s stereo – are recorded. Cameras and interactive technologies provide recorded video imagery of the city manipulated by the interaction of the car and driver. These video and audio records are the playlist used to generate a live video panorama and a musical soundscape during a FWDrift [remix] performance.


Performed at:

  • 2010 “passages”, Art Gallery of Mississauga, Mississauga, Canada;
  • 2008 ACM MM Conference, Telus Science World, Vancouver;
  • 2007 Nuit Blanche, InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, Toronto;
  • 2006 Digital Art Weeks, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich;
  • 2006 Computational Poetics: A Logic Machines and Creative Process Gathering, Vancouver;
  • 2006 Interactive Futures Conference, Victoria, Canada;
  • 2005 Pace Digital Gallery, New York;
  • 2005 Elektra Festival, Montreal;
  • 2004 Digifest “On the Move”, Toronto;
  • 2004 live webcast: (collaboration with Jordan Benwick), for “nonTVTVstation”, Splintermind, Stockholm, Sweden.


Supported by:

  • The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada;
  • The Canada Council for the Arts;
  • The British Columbia Arts Council,
  • Foreign Affairs Canada