Scratch Theremin

Scratch Theremin, Interspecies audio performance, 2011-14
In collaboration with Tom

For Scratch Theremin, I worked with Tom using a custom theremin to produce collaborative improvisational interspecies performance. I built a custom theremin that incorporates a rug as an interface to provide Tom with a scratching surface to gesture and create sounds. Tom accompanies his strumming with a diverse range of vocalizations. Recordings have been used in performances with custom mixing software by Simon Overstall.

performed with the Vancouver Experimental Theremin Orchestra (VETO) for:


Production Team:
Julie Andreyev: theremin performance
Tom: concept, theremin performance, vocals
Simon Lysander Overstall: Max/MSP performance software

Supported by:

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $157 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country.




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