Tag Archives: North Vancouver
Tom gets the ball in the river
Tom + Sugi with the pig on the lawn
Sugi gets bee stings
- Lesson from Sugi: Carry some Apis homeopathic on hikes in case of bee stings
- Sugi says, “I hate bees!”
I don’t know why, but Sugi seems to always get bee stings in the summer. Tom not so much. This morning we did a quick hike on the Baden Powell and Sugi got stung! It’s difficult to know what stung him, but he was favoring a spot on his leg and asking me to do something about it. I carry a few homeopathic remedies (Arnica, Apis…) in my waist pack when I’m hiking. I gave him a few granules of apis but they are the big human kind so he just spat them out. For the rest of the hike he just passively walked behind me, hobbling a bit. When we got home I gave him some tiny canine sized apis granules and he calmed right down. I got this from my vet. The remedies come in a little kit with a bunch of other different remedies. Very handy to have for trauma for dogs…
Tom + Sugi Trail
- Lesson from Tom: Hiking dogs can have a great memory for trails.
- Sugi says, “I remember!”
One day we were discussing hiking trails around Hyannis Drive with our dog walker Judy Lopes. We told her that we like to go up the Baden Powell Trail, but the walk back down under the power lines was not very interesting. She told us about the route she takes with the dogs which runs parallel to the Baden Powell coming back down to the starting point. She suggested we just ask Tom and Sugi to show us the trail the next time we’re there and they will be able to lead us. Sure enough, the next time we took the trail up, they gestured towards a steep trail heading down and they guided the way back to the starting point (around 1.5-2km). From then on, we called this trail “The Tom + Sugi Trail”.